Focusing On My Back Injuries

Focusing On My Back Injuries

  • Steps You Can Take To Make Your TMJ Treatment Successful

    If your dentist discovers that you have TMJ disorder, he or she will likely want to make a TMJ splint for your jaw. But for the splint to work, you will not only need to wear it properly and follow up with your dentist, but you will also need to care for your splint. TMJ Splints Must Be Adjusted The TMJ splint will usually need to be adjusted as often as every two weeks due to changes in the indentation and in the grinding movements of your jaw.

  • When Low Back Pain Gets In The Way Of Your Sex Life: How Chiropractors Can Help

    You should be enjoying physical intimacy without agony. Low back pain is problematic enough, but when it interferes with your enjoyment of sex or completely turns you off to the idea, a chiropractor can help. It may seem really awkward and uncomfortable to discuss sex and back pain with a chiropractor, but you would be surprised at the solutions the chiropractor can offer you. Vibrating Massagers with Heat These are massagers for medical purposes and not the sexual vibrator type.

  • 3 Common Repetitive Motion Injuries And How A Chiropractor Can Help

    Repetitive motion injuries are a common complaint among American adults, with one of the most common injuries among them being carpal tunnel syndrome. If you work in an office setting, you probably complete a number of repetitive tasks that can lead to serious injury, if not handled properly. Below are three common repetitive motion injuries and how working with a chiropractor can help to lessen their effects. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

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Focusing On My Back Injuries

A few months ago, I realized that it was getting progressively more difficult to move around like I used to. Lifting was a chore, sleeping was difficult, and bending over was absolutely grueling. My back hurt when I did just about anything, so I decided to seek help. I contacted a chiropractor in my area for help, and it was amazing how helpful the chiropractor was. I was able to get in for an appointment the same day, and my problems melted away as the doctor worked on my back. My blog details my journey, so that you can see how helpful the right care can be.